On the one hand, I adore my job. And missing a 2nd Friday puts me 4 classes behind {Friday classes being once a week, 3 hour blocks-- the equivalent of the usual T/R schedule}. I talk fast, but not that fast.
On the other hand, its a surprise day off authorized by the college administration. Which means I have nothing I am obligated to do, so I can play video games all day.
Randomly switching topics as I am want to do, I decided to give the hops I normally post on Fridays a more permanent home on the right hand column of my blog, right under my button swaps~*
Which reminds me-- if you are interested in swapping, be sure to visit my swap page & use the code FREE {all capital letters}. OH & there are still a few hours to enter my sachet giveaway!
With that, be sure to check out the hops over here...
And have a wonderful weekend full of smashing grand surprises~*
Check out more of Micaël Reynaud's gorgeous cinemagraphs here, here and here. Do be patient, they are big files & take time to load~*
These pillows are super cute!
Hope the snow day was a treat after all, and best of luck condensing classes! Our snow is glazed with such a thick layer of ice, you can walk on it...as it cracks ominously. Have a great weekend! Lynaea @ EverydayBloom.com