My sort of allergies is not the immediate allergic response of rashes or anaphylaxis {though that does happen, & it is very scary & sucks}. What happens, in a nustshell, is that my body refuses to absorb minerals & nutrients from food-- it sort of says "oh gosh, we are allergic to that-- move it through fast." Which means I can suffer from malnutrition while eating a healthy balanced diet. Weird, no?
And I won't know about it until I am sick.
To give an example-- I started feeling overly fatigued last summer & went to the doctor. Turned out I had a massive ferritin iron deficiency. I had to have iron transfusions, which I did once before my body decided it was allergic to the transfusion and I went into anaphylactic shock. Which, as always, was very scary and sucked. It was made worse because the only thing the staff at the blood center had on hand for allergic reactions was a type of steroid that I am also allergic to. Not good.
But I digress.
So now I have to take prescribed iron pills everyday along with all the other vitamins and minerals I have to take in order to assure I don't get malnourished.
My allergist advised that the only way I could be sure I wouldn't have allergic reactions to food was to stick to a diet of chicken {cooked with salt & pepper and naught else} and white rice. To which I said no.
Thus we try to eat organic everything-- avoiding the chemicals I am also allergic to that are used in pesticides & feeds that are sometimes used in non organic foods. Which gives me at least one less thing to be allergic to. If you follow my logic. I also avoid gluten, because of a wheat allergy, and try to vary my diet in order to avoid a potential build up of toxins in my system.
I also avoid taking pharmaceuticals whenever possible and stick to herbal remedies which I am mostly not allergic to...sigh.
All of this is a round about way of getting to my review of Natural Miracles products.

Sounds interesting, I may have to check this out. Thanks for the review!
ReplyDeleteI'm all about natural remedies. But I go through phases. For weeks at a time, I'll take all kinds of vitamins and homeopathic remedies...and then nothing for months. I need something now, because my stomach is starting to hurt again and that can go on for a while. What a shame you have all those allergies. I hope you are feeling well!