Sunday, July 27, 2014

Rain Rain Go Away...

It came in so sunny and promising, this July, but its going out with a decided drip.

It is good for the plants, at least that is what we've been saying a lot.  Given that I haven't actually planted any plants this year,  I suppose it would be more apropos to say it is good for the weeds.  Did I ever tell you my Mom and I play a game I call "Weed or Not?"  I take an phone photo of green things growing in the garden, and she texts me whether or not it is a weed.  They almost always are.  Sigh.

We are keeping dry.  Mostly.

How is your summer weather?  As I typed that a big dark cloud swooped across the sky.  Really.  That fast. Tennessee rainy days are weird...

I am working on a bit of a blog redo which I'm hoping to debut next week (fingers crossed and time permitting).  There has been a big shift from what I thought the blog was going to be to what it has become.  Plus I am in a re decorating mood~*  
Don't panic if pages disappear and reappear and things look odd around here for a bit-- I'm attempting to do it in as unobtrusive a way as possible, but you know how it goes.  If everything goes as planned, ya'll never notice the move :)

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