Thursday, May 24, 2012

How to Dry Herbs Naturally~*

Two weekends ago, we bought a bundle of fresh oregano at the farmer's market.  There was no way we were going to be able to use it all, so we decided to dry what was left before it went bad.

Drying herbs naturally is very easy, & I'm sure most of you already know how to do it.  That said, we all had to learn it somewhere right?  So since I was doing it anyway, I thought I'd whip up a quick tutorial~*

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezey!  For my next trick, I think we'll do some sundried tomatoes {yummy yum}...anyone have any other ideas for drying foods naturally?

The hubs & I are researching some of the headstones we discovered yesterday-- hopefully I'll be able to compile a few bios to post tomorrow {everyone wants to be remembered}.  Until then, here's to a glorious Thursday for you all!


  1. Ohhh, great idea! Have you tried it with chives? I have a real excess at the moment and was wondering what to do with them.Rx

    1. No I haven't, but surely it would work-- give it a shot & let me know how it turns out!

  2. Never tried this, thanks for the tutorial!

  3. Great instructions! I've never dried my own herbs before, but I kind of want to try now :)

    1. You won't be sorry, they are so much better than most store bought dried herbs!

  4. This is great. I have wasted so many herbs. I buy bunches at the store and use them for only one recipe.

    1. We do too lol-- that and they sell HUGE bunches at the farmer's market {way too many to use}

  5. Great idea, thank you so much!


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