Our door-table butts right up against our windows, & these boring doo-dads hang right at eye level. Definitely a first world problem, but then again, I live in the first world, so there you go.
Plus I can't stand using things as they came out of the box {I adore re-purposing items, using them in a way that is unexpected or just doing something a little extra}.
Plus I can't stand using things as they came out of the box {I adore re-purposing items, using them in a way that is unexpected or just doing something a little extra}.
This household craft is so quick & easy its hardly worth calling it a craft. I used some left over holiday craft bits {craft paints & mini wooden spools}. Its so easy its self explanatory, and the whole thing from start to finish took less than 30 minutes, and that included ample dry time while I caught up with your blogs on bloglovin'. 

- Stagger the length of the strings to add visual interest {be sure to let your blinds down before cutting the strings, to insure they have adequate length to function as designed}
- Use toothpicks to hold the spools while painting and then use them again to poke the string back through the holes in the spools & bobbles.
- I always use {biodegradable} garbage bags as drop cloths for craft projects-- they protect surfaces and afterwards they can go back into the box to be used for their intended purpose
- I always use {biodegradable} garbage bags as drop cloths for craft projects-- they protect surfaces and afterwards they can go back into the box to be used for their intended purpose
-I am seriously considering picking up some washi tape to add around the spools just to pack a bit more impact {although right now I'm kinda digging the tinkertoy-ish-ness of them as is}
-because this is so quick & easy, they can be changed out to match decor, the seasons or special occasion
-you could use round beads or other shapes instead of spools-- I just happened to have some hanging around!
-I put the original bobbles back on as "caps" for the spools because they were drilled out to hide the string's knot, and I liked that clean look (if I was so inclined, I could have used a drill bit to widen the hole on one side of the spools to hide the knot, but that seems like a lot of work for window bobbles lol).
-I joined the bobble strings together with a bow, but if you have wee babies you should leave the strings loose and separated to avoid mishaps
Today we are off to the used office furniture store to pick out a chair for my hubby's office, and various items for the rest of the house! I'll share what we come up with on Saturday~*
What have y'all got planned for the weekend?
-because this is so quick & easy, they can be changed out to match decor, the seasons or special occasion
-you could use round beads or other shapes instead of spools-- I just happened to have some hanging around!
-I put the original bobbles back on as "caps" for the spools because they were drilled out to hide the string's knot, and I liked that clean look (if I was so inclined, I could have used a drill bit to widen the hole on one side of the spools to hide the knot, but that seems like a lot of work for window bobbles lol).
-I joined the bobble strings together with a bow, but if you have wee babies you should leave the strings loose and separated to avoid mishaps
Today we are off to the used office furniture store to pick out a chair for my hubby's office, and various items for the rest of the house! I'll share what we come up with on Saturday~*
What have y'all got planned for the weekend?
Cute and fun! I love a quick craft project :)