Saturday, June 9, 2012

Saturday in Pictures~*

Here are some pics from yesterday & this morning's festivities~*

We got the credenza at a considerable discount from what they had originally quoted.  My Dad is the Haggler King~*

My eldest niece, the birthday girl/ my youngest nephew/Me, my Mom, My Sis, My youngest niece, My Bro-In-Law/ The Birthday Girl getting a Feliz Cumpleanos
And Today...

We have been working on Thing 2's room, & will continue to do so tomorrow-- pics will follow on Monday!

How is your weekend going?


  1. Oh my goodness, I don't know why but I'm really freaked out by the office furniture graveyard photo. It looks really sad.

    You look like you managed to squeeze loads in!Rx

    1. LOL I know, it is like the place that office chairs go to die-- but they have great deals if you can climb Mt. Credenza~*

  2. Looks like you guys were busy and had fun. Nice score on the credenza!

    1. Thanks! Wait til you see it, it weighs a metric ton & looks smashing!

  3. Fun weekend! Wow, you guys know how to cram it all in, eh?

  4. Beautiful post!!! take a look on my blog and if you like we can follow each other?
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥


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