Spent the entire day (The. Entire. Day.) waiting to get my eyes checked, getting my eyes checked, picking out frames then waiting for my glasses. Luckily the hubs was with me & we wasted wonderful amounts of time trolling the shopping center, drinking coffee, laughing at memedroid, checking out stuff at Lowes hardware & having fresh hummus & pitas down at Babylon~*
Good news is I can see. Bad news is I have to wear glasses to do it. Sigh. I wonder how long it will be before I lose them.
After that we picked up the Things at school (shout out to Thing 2-- he came in 6th @ the sectionals the other day, which does not qualify him to go to state, but as a high school freshman its purdy durned awesome) & we lounged & had a fruit & cheese dinner & life is generally good. And clear. Thanks to my pink wire framed glasses. Sigh...
Tomorrow is the Farmer's Market (woot)!!
Good thing you were with the hubs! :)